The National Fire Protection Association organized a two-day Single Exit Stair Symposium in mid-September. Proposals in Canada and the US aim to legalize single-stair residential buildings up to 6 stories. While proponents argue these buildings can boost housing production and are as safe as current stock, fire officials generally oppose the idea, citing safety concerns. The officials who are open to legalization want it done within the established 3+ year code development process. The debate highlights tensions between housing needs and fire safety, with legislative pressure pushing for changes to building codes.

Disclaimer: I’m a non-technical YIMBY who supports legalizing single stair buildings up to 6 stories. Wherever you notice any errors or wrong assumptions, please let me know.

Executive summary (h/t Ian Hatch)

Background on the symposium


Fire data overview

Opponents: what they said

Proponents: what they said
